McGregor, R.

Name: Ross McGregor
Background: Consultant
Organization: Natural Power Consultants
Department: Ecology & Hydrology
Interest: Marine renewable ornithologist
Country: United Kingdom

About Me:

I have worked for Natural Power as a Senior Ornithologist since October 2012. In my role at Natural Power, I provide ornithological expertise on the renewables industry including offshore wind, onshore wind, wave and tidal energy developments. I have produced technical reports, EIA chapters and Habitats Regulations Assessments/Appraisals to support consent applications for a range of offshore renewables projects. I have also provided peer review services for EIA and HRA for offshore wind sites in the UK. I have been involved in the development of offshore Collision Risk Modelling as a member of the SOSS steering group and have experience in the application of the offshore and onshore models.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 6